Cellu M6 – Endermology / Lipomassage / Roller massage

One of the best-known methods to remove cellulite is endermology. A lipomassage or roller massage is performed (palper-rouler) via an LPG device called Cellu M6. This ensures that the adherent cellulite is loosened and that accumulated fat and fluid are removed more easily. Local blood flow improves and collagen production is stimulated so that the skin becomes firmer and any stretch marks and scars fade.

Treatment Cellu M6

Before starting the treatment, you must put on a tight-fitting suit, the LPG Bodywear. You must then lie on the treatment table, alternately on your stomach and on your back. The two motorized computer-controlled rollers of the LPG device Cellu M6 then perform rolling movements (palper-rouler) so that it appears as if a vacuum cleaner is sliding over your skin. Depending on the skin type, the area and the problem, different protocols have been developed. For example, treating cellulite will be slightly different from fading scars or preparing muscle tissue. After the treatment, which lasts about one hour, your skin will be treated with an anti-cellulite cream based on essential oils.
The number of endermology treatments you need depends on the degree of your cellulite. Count on at least ten lipomassages at a rate of two to three sessions per week. To maintain the result, monthly maintenance is recommended.

Indications endermology

  • Reducing and loosening cellulite
  • Fading of stretch marks (stretch marks)
  • Fading of scars
  • Firming the skin
  • Preparing the muscle tissue to resume sporting performance after illness or injury


Side effects and pain

The treatment with the Cellu M6 LPG device is completely painless. An occasional blue spot is a possibility. This will only occur in the beginning because the skin usually has poor blood circulation. The experiences with endermology are usually very positive.

Results of endermology

After ten sessions, your buttocks and thighs will be visibly smoother and firmer. Stretch marks have faded slightly. Cellulite has diminished, but will not disappear completely with endermology (lipomassage or roller massage). That is why the specialist will often advise you to combine the Cellu M6 with another treatment (Lipolysis, Thermodermy, Mesotherapy). If you have the money to do this, we would rather recommend a few treatments with the Velashape. This is a device that, in addition to lipomassage, also uses infrared light, bipolar radio frequency and depresso massage.

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