A simple apple is super healthy

The apple is the most famous and convenient fruit there is and is eaten with great taste by many people. Whether during your lunch break or while waiting for the train, it doesn’t matter because you can eat an apple with its peel and all, preferably well washed. What many people may not know is that this simple apple contains a lot of good nutrients and is actually a bit misunderstood, because an apple is easy but certainly not simple.

An apple for every day

An apple every day, preferably two, that would be even better. Because apples are packed with super healthy nutrients, not to mention: fiber (fiber is essential for our digestive system). We are so used to apples that they don’t really stand out that much anymore and are certainly not seen as a Superfood. And yet the apple is, because if you eat one or two apples every day, you help the body to prevent serious diseases.

Variety is important

Apples everywhere and easily available. And, in so many varieties and flavors. One a bit sweeter and softer and the other firm and incredibly sour. Most people have a favorite among all those varieties, but it would still be better if you changed apples more often. Because all those types have their own extra healthy substances and color. Because the color of vegetables and fruit also says something about the content. For example, Consumed states that eating white fruit such as apples and pears can reduce the risk of stroke by 52%. Provided that one eats the fruit every day, of course. To reach this conclusion, 20,000 people were followed for 10 years.
It has also become known from various studies that eating apples can be associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer (particularly lung cancer), asthma and type II diabetes. Provided that one eats the apple with the peel because the peel contains most of the nutrients. Proper washing is an advantage and if it is possible to buy organically grown apples, this is by far preferable due to the pesticides used.

What’s in an apple?


Of which two types: Floridizine and Florentine xyloglucoside, which are not found in any other fruit. Polyphenols have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect and are mainly found in the peel.


One of the flavonoids in apples is called Quercetin. This substance plays a protective role against diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Quercetin has antioxidant properties and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Research has shown that people with high concentrations of this substance in the blood have a lower risk of heart disease and lung cancer because this substance ensures that the oxidation of bad cholesterol can be reduced. And also that malignant mutations of cells are prevented. This substance is mainly found in the peel.

Dietary fiber

Dietary fiber in apples, both soluble and insoluble, helps lower cholesterol levels and contributes to a properly functioning digestive system.

Vitamin C

The amount of vitamin C in an apple is only 5.7 mg, but its effect is comparable to 1500 mg vitamin C due to the antioxidant effect of the apple.


Potassium, together with sodium, is very important for the fluid balance inside and outside our cells.

Be sensible, eat an apple!

Eating apples reduces the risk of lung cancer. This also applies to onions. The higher the consumption per day, the higher the reduced risk. Up to 40/50 percent per day.
Eating apples has a positive effect on asthma.
People who eat 5 or more apples per week have a significantly greater respiratory volume than people who never eat apples. Apples reduce the risk of diabetes. The substance quercetin is associated with this, which is mainly found in the peel.
Apples also have a positive effect on weight loss. The cause of this lies in the soluble dietary fibers. Three apples or pears a day is recommended while losing weight.
Apples help lower cholesterol levels. The soluble dietary fibres, around 80%, normalize the fat content in the blood and thus contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Two apples a day already reduce the risk by 16%.
Most antioxidants are found in the peel. This provides two to six times more phenolic compounds than the pulp. Antioxidants are very important in the fight against free radicals and therefore cancer.


All in all, such a simple apple has many advantages. So feel free to take an apple with you for a snack or on the go. And also try to vary as much as possible in the type of apple you buy, because each type has its own strengths.

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