Oak for the skin

The skin, with its surface area of 2 square meters and its weight of about 4 kg, is the largest and heaviest organ in or better yet on our body. It is not only the packaging for our organs, but also has a function as a sense (feeling). and a function for metabolism.

Oak against wet eczema

Skin conditions are therefore more than an external problem, the possible causes are often internal in nature, poor functioning of the liver, intestines and other excretory organs. So we must first look for the cause of eczema before arriving at a treatment. Although that is often easier said than done.
Despite the complexity of these ailments, the correct use of herbs can produce surprisingly good results. An example is the treatment of wet eczema. A simple but very efficient treatment is the use of damp linen wraps, so to speak wet on wet, with a so-called tannin plant in our case Quercus robur, the pedunculate oak.

Preparation method compress with oak bark

1 to 2 tablespoons of coarsely ground oak bark are boiled with ½ liter of water for 15 minutes, then drained through a sieve and allowed to cool. Wet a linen cloth or clean washcloth in this liquid and place it on the eczema, cold and wet, for 1 hour. When the cover is no longer cold and damp, renew it. Never cover with an impermeable layer such as plastic. The compresses should be applied 3 times a day. You can use the cooled tea all day (for the 3 compresses), but the next day you must make a fresh extract.

Quercus robur or pedunculate oak

A well-known tree that commands respect mainly because of its sturdy appearance, at least when it is old enough. And he can certainly grow old. For example, the Liernu pedunculate oak (le Gros Chêne de Liernu) is most likely more than 700 years old. Only with age do oaks acquire their typically impressive appearance: a winding, dynamic branch structure, grooved bark and broad, round crown shape.
The still smooth, non-grooved bark of approximately ten year old oak trees is used medicinally; the tannin content is responsible for the astringent (astringent) and drying, as well as anti-inflammatory effect. The tannins bind to the proteins of the skin tissue, preventing bacteria from entering the body.
The oak is without doubt a mythical tree, the king of trees, and it is almost sacrilege to discuss such an appearance here only to put it on dirty wounds. But that’s what he’s good for.

Other tannin plants and mucilage plants for the skin

You can also use other tannin plants such as Juglans regia (Nuttree), Hamamelis (Witch Hazel) or even Blackberry.
In some cases, the so-called mucilage plants are better. They are herbs that release a soothing slimy substance such as Mallow (Malva) or Linseed (Linum). They can be used as a follow-up treatment once the wet eczema has dried.
Of course there are many more options, but the simple use of compresses with oak infusion is certainly a good choice.

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  • The big five for the skin
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