Cardiospermum against eczema

Cardiospermum halicacabum (fam. Sapindaceae) is a fast growing annual plant that grows in subtropical and tropical regions including Africa, South America, India and Australia. The English call the plant Love-in-a-puff, which when translated means love-in-a-bag. This nickname is given to the plant because of the special seed in the balloons. The seed is black with a white heart! In Africa this plant is used for skin conditions, rheumatism, respiratory infections and constipation. In America, several Indian tribes wear
the seeds as a bracelet above the byceps to protect themselves against snake bites. Oil from the seeds have an insect repellent effect (Khan 1983) and extracts from the whole plant are anti-inflammatory (Chandra 1984).

Scientific research Cardiospermum

Over the last 10 years, various studies have been conducted into the operation, effectiveness and tolerance of Cardiospermum preparations. These preparations are used in contemporary phytotherapy for atopic eczema, allergic eczema and hives. The aerial parts of the flowering plant are used, processed as a tincture in ointment, cream or emulsion for external application. Cardiospermum has an anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and analgesic effect. The anti-inflammatory effect is comparable to the action of phenylbutazone. Cardiospermum inhibits acute and chronic inflammation. The extracts have a stabilizing effect on lysosomal membranes, which inhibits the secretion of pro-inflammatory enzymes from lysosomes. Furthermore, its effect is explained by inhibition of the synthesis of leukotrienes and prostaglandins (pro-inflammatory substances). Phytosterols (campesterol, sitosterol, stigmasterol), pentacyclic triterpenes (glutinol, p-amyrin) and flavonoids (chrysoeriol, apigenin, luteolin, afzelin, quercitrin) may contribute to the anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the phytosterols may be responsible for the stabilizing effect on lysosomal membranes. The fatty acids present are responsible for the itch-relieving effect. It is clear that Cardiospermum has an anti-inflammatory effect in vitro and in vivo.

Clinical research Cardiospermum

Several clinical studies involving more than 2,000 patients showed that Cardiospermum positively affects various symptoms of eczema, such as itching, redness, crusting, cracks, flaking, excoriation and dehydration. The anti-itch effect occurs quickly and the anti-inflammatory effect becomes noticeable after two to three days. In a comparative study, Cardiospermum was found to be as effective as bufexamac (Parfenac). It is also interesting that it has emerged that Cardiospermum can not only be used safely in combination with other skin products, but can also significantly reduce the use of conventional products.

Atopic or atopic eczema

Atopic eczema is a hereditary, very itchy, chronic skin condition, the cause of which is not exactly known. The condition is often part of the atopic syndrome, which also includes rhinitis and asthma. In many cases, atopic eczema begins in infancy or around puberty and usually disappears after the age of thirty. The disease is characterized by red scaly skin lesions with coarsening and thickening of the skin surface. It mainly occurs in the elbow folds, back of the knees and on the face. In severe forms it can occur anywhere. The intense itching can lead to insomnia. General measures include the elimination of factors that aggravate the disease, such as dust mites, pollen, animal dander and certain foods (milk, nuts, fish, soy, peanuts) and a regular lifestyle with good sleep. The treatment of mild forms consists of external treatment with wet wraps (for acute eczema), tar preparations or oily ointments.

Other herbs for atopic eczema

The classics: Calendula (Marigold); Matricaria recutita (True chamomile) and Viola tricolor (Tricolored violet) often give good results. The big five for the skin
Anti-allergic herbs, especially Plantago lanceolata (Plantain), can and do help. In the name… Plantain
As a nutritional supplement, gamma-linolenic acid in the form of Evening Primrose Oil (Oenothera). Furthermore, blood purifying herbs such as Urtica (Nettle) and Tarraxacum (Dandelion) are recommended for internal use.

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