Changes in the body of the pregnant woman

The pregnant woman’s body is subject to a lot of changes during pregnancy. Fortunately, the most annoying pregnancy ailments are usually limited to the first three months. During pregnancy, body weight increases by about 12 kilos. This is accompanied by various physical changes. Some you like (that nice round belly for example…) others are frustrating, such as muscle relaxation which can lead to constipation, or urinary problems.

Month 1 – 2 – 3

During the first three months of pregnancy, the body gradually adapts to the pregnancy. However, this is not accompanied by obvious physical characteristics . It may also happen that you do not feel pregnant at all, although of course you are.


In the first three months of your pregnancy you will gain about 1 to 2 kilos in weight. However, if you feel nauseous and vomit a lot, this does not have to be the case. Only 50 grams of this weight gain is due to the baby; amniotic fluid, placenta, enlarged uterus and breasts account for most of the weight gain.

Physical change

Although it is not always clear from the outside that you are pregnant, a number of subtle changes can be observed. Plus, there’s plenty going on inside your body!

  • The metabolism increases in speed
  • The heart capacity increases sharply
  • The heart rate becomes faster
  • Breathing becomes faster
  • You may experience morning sickness
  • The breasts become larger and heavier
  • The breasts often also become more sensitive
  • The skin around your nipple (the areola ) becomes darker
  • Small blue veins may appear on the breasts as a result of increased blood flow
  • The uterus becomes larger


Month 4 – 5 – 6

The complaints that are sometimes associated with the first months of pregnancy have virtually disappeared. Some women, for example women over 35 years of age, receive additional preventive tests .


During the second three months you will gain approximately 6 kilograms in weight. The baby weighs only 1 kilo at that time. The remaining pounds are formed by the baby’s support system , such as the placenta and amniotic fluid.
Physical changes It is now much easier to see from the outside that you are pregnant than in the first three months of pregnancy. You also gain the most weight in this phase of pregnancy.

  • The nipples may begin to secrete foremilk, which is called colostrum
  • The pigmentation in the skin may increase slightly
  • There is less intestinal activity due to relaxation of the muscles in your intestinal tract (this can lead to blockage or constipation)
  • The waist will disappear
  • You can get back pain due to the increased blood flow to your pelvis


Month 7 – 8 – 9

During the last three months of pregnancy, your body size increases significantly and you may experience problems falling asleep and staying asleep.


In the last three months you will gain about 5 kilos in weight. The baby will be responsible for 3 to 4 kilos. The rest, again, consists of the baby’s support system.

Physical changes

The last three months of pregnancy can be unpleasant because you have less and less freedom of movement due to your increased weight and the shape of your body. The abdomen in particular can get in the way during daily activities.

  • You will start to breathe more deeply
  • The increased weight, which is mainly located at the front, can cause back pain, because you lean backwards to provide counterbalance.
  • You may experience a lot of fatigue, even if you cannot sleep


Physical complaints during pregnancy

When you are pregnant your body changes enormously. Not only in terms of shape and feel, but also in the medical field, a lot is happening. This can be accompanied by physical discomfort such as intestinal and bladder problems.

Muscle relaxation

constipation during pregnancy , also called constipation . This blockage of the intestines is caused by the relaxation of the muscles in your body. The muscles relax to give the baby plenty of room to develop physically. The relaxation ensures that your stool is no longer passed through the intestines as easily. You can combat constipation by exercising enough, drinking plenty of fluids and including fiber-rich food in your meals.

Urinary problems

Around the 3rd month, intestinal problems will make way for urinary problems . The uterus starts to press on the bladder, which becomes full sooner, resulting in more toilet visits . Unfortunately, this can sometimes involve just a few drops. In any case , urinating properly is very important. If you do not urinate properly, bacteria may remain behind which can cause a urinary tract infection . Use as few panty liners as possible , as they are a perfect breeding ground for bacteria .

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