Stress: Facts and figures

Tension is healthy, but too much tension can cause stress. One in ten Dutch employees suffers from burnout. But holidaymakers and exam candidates also show psychological or physical complaints if the bar is set too high. Many experts believe that stress poses a serious threat to health. What are some common causes of stress? Some facts and figures.

Stress in America

America’s No. 1 Health Problem is the title of an article published by the American Institute on Stress. The article claims that the greatest threat to health is not cancer or AIDS, but stress. According to the article, 75 to 90 percent of people go to the doctor with stress-related problems. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications account for ΒΌ of all prescriptions in America. 28% of households in America have over-the-counter medications at home to reduce stress.

Causes of stress

It is no exaggeration to say that stress has become a major factor in contemporary life. According to the American Consumer Association, work is the leading cause of stress and problems in adults, accounting for around 39%. The family comes in second place with 30%. Then there are causes such as health (10%), concern about the economy (9%) and concern about international conflict and terrorism (4%).

Stress in the EU

But stress is not only a problem in the United States. According to a large-scale study in Great Britain, around 13.5 million working days are lost every year due to stress, depression or anxiety. Things are not much better in the rest of Europe either. According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, millions of workers in Europe suffer from stress at work. The number of workers in the EU who become ill due to stress at work is around 10 million per year.

Stress in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, the costs for social security are around 1.25 billion per year, as a result of stress. About 10,000 people per year end up on disability benefits due to stress.

Stress in Asia

And what is the situation in Asia? According to a report from a conference in Tokyo, work stress is a common cause of concern in many countries around the world, both developing and industrialized. The report noted that several countries in East Asia, including China and Taiwan, have experienced rapid industrialization and economic growth. These countries therefore experience more work stress and are concerned about the adverse effects on the health of their employees.
But what can you do about stress, or is this just something that is part of life? I will discuss this in another article.

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