Dutch beauty bloggers

A beauty blog is an internet site that is often about beauty, fashion and lifestyle. Many girls dream of making money with a beauty blog. There are a number of ladies in the Netherlands who have already realized this dream. In this article you can read more about the most famous Dutch beauty bloggers. Four well-known beauty bloggers from the Netherlands are discussed below: Mascha, Cynthia, Serena and Vera. Which of them is your favorite blogger?

Masha Feokistova

Beauty blog: www.beautygloss.nl
Mascha Feokistova (1986) is a Dutch blogger of Russian descent. Mascha was born in Moscow, but moved to the Netherlands when she was 4 because of her father’s work. The Russian beauty speaks fluent Dutch, Russian and English.
Mascha started as a hobby blogger. She soon noticed that her blog was becoming popular. In 2009 she made the transition from amateur blogger to professional blogger. Today her site is the most popular Dutch beauty blog. In December 2010, Mascha opened her second company: an online shop. She sells her favorite products in her webshop. Her investments in her companies paid off. In 2011, Mascha won the Viva400 Business Award.
Although Mascha Feokistova has made the beauty industry her job, she was trained in a different field. She first completed the Social Pedagogical Worker (SPW) training. She subsequently trained as a teaching assistant. She then did Social Pedagogical Assistance (SPH) at higher professional education.

Cynthia Schultz

Beauty blog: www.MissLipgloss.nl
Cynthia Schultz (1990) started a beauty blog when she was sixteen. She called her blog MissLipgloss because she loved lip gloss at the time. In 2008, Cynthia was approached by Chantal Koo le who transformed her blog into a professional site. Nowadays her site is one of the most popular beauty blogs in the Netherlands. Her webshop is also loved by her target group.
Cynthia has a VWO diploma. After high school she went to college . Here she took a journalism course. However, she stopped after completing her propaedeutic year because she could not combine blogging and studying. Although Cynthia stopped studying, she did not sit still. She took a course to become a make-up artist.
Cynthia doesn’t just work for her own blog. She also works for CosmoGIRL magazine! and for the Metro Mode newspaper.

Serena Verbon

Beauty blog: www.beautylab.nl
Serena Verbon (1984) started her beauty blog as a hobby. At the time, she could not have even dreamed that her blog would become one of the most visited Dutch beauty blogs.
Serena graduated from Utrecht University of Applied Sciences in 2006 with a degree in Molecular Biology. After obtaining her diploma, Serena worked for more than 5 years as a pharmaceutical analyst in a hospital pharmacy. Partly due to her education and work experience, the articles on her blog appear very professional. Unlike many other beauty blogs, Serena also has articles that fall under the Science category. This is one of the reasons that Serena’s target group consists of older girls.

Vera Camilla

Beauty blog: www.veracamilla.nl
Vera Camilla (1992) from Arnhem is the owner of www.veracamilla.nl. She started this beauty blog in 2009. Just a few months after Vera launched her site, she won the SpinAward for the Best Young Talent.
In 2010, Vera obtained her MBO diploma for the Desktop Publishing (DTP) course. In September of the same year she started the Multimedia Design course, again at secondary vocational education. However, she dropped out prematurely because she did not like the training. Vera said that she would like to take a make-up artist course in the future.

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