What is shock and how do you provide first aid?

A shock is a very drastic thing for most people. It is often a life or death situation. Many people do not know exactly what a shock is, how to recognize it or how to act. Below is a short description about the shock, recognition and how to act.

What is a shock

In shock, there is a shortage of circulating blood in the bloodstream, which means that the heart no longer works properly and vital organs such as the brain and kidneys do not receive enough blood. This automatically means they don’t get enough oxygen. It is a dangerous condition in which unconsciousness can occur in a short time.

How does shock occur?

Shock usually results from a large loss of blood or crushing of a body part in a serious accident. Major burns can also be the cause. A lot of moisture is lost here.
Sometimes the blood loss is internal and nothing is visible on the outside of the victim. Another form of shock can occur as a result of a very severe allergic reaction of the body. Because substances are released in the body that make the blood vessels leaky, fluid drains from the bloodstream. The blood vessels also dilate, causing a decrease in circulating blood and a state of shock.

Complaints of shock

Someone in shock is pale and feels dizzy. The skin feels cold. The patient sweats heavily and yawns a lot. In more severe cases, unconsciousness occurs. A major loss of blood is of course alarming. An attempt is made to eliminate the shock by replenishing the deficiency, by allowing fluid and blood to flow directly back into the bloodstream.
In the case of shock due to an allergic reaction, this is done by administering a syringe, usually filled with adrenaline. This causes the blood vessels to shrink slightly, so that the fluid remains within the bloodstreams again.

First aid for a shock victim

  • As soon as you recognize shock in a victim, expert help must be sought immediately. The sooner this occurs, the greater the chances of survival. While waiting for help, the victim can be protected from cooling down.
  • Put him down, the heart will then have to pump blood less hard.
  • It is also important to reassure the victim. Talk to him without having long conversations. Talking to a victim increases awareness. Try to find out who he is and where he lives.
  • Do not move the victim, especially if it is not necessary. Any movement or effort can lead to death.
  • Do not give the victim anything to drink. The body is then forced to keep the stomach and intestines active. One sip of water can be a step towards death.
  • Above all, do not leave the victim alone.
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