Stimulate microcirculation with Vacustep

Vacustep allows you to remove and reduce cellulite due to poor microcirculation or blood circulation. After all, Vacustep is the reference for stimulating microcirculation and efficiently treating cellulite. In this article you will learn whether your cellulite is due to poor microcirculation or not, how to reduce and remove cellulite with vacustep, and when you will see the first results.

Types of cellulite

There are two types of cellulite:

  • Cellulite due to a disturbed fat balance
  • Cellulite due to poor microcirculation and blood circulation

It is very easy to know which type of cellulite you are suffering from. If you are rather slim and you mainly have cellulite and fat around your buttocks and thighs , this is due to poor microcirculation and blood circulation. If, on the other hand, you tend to be a little chubby all over your body, your cellulite is primarily due to a fat management problem.
It is important to know which type of cellulite you suffer from because the treatment you choose will depend on this. The vacustep treatment described below is intended to reduce and remove cellulite due to microcirculation and circulatory problems.

Cellulite and microcirculation

Poor microcirculation and blood circulation is the main cause of fluid and fat accumulation in the problem areas. Fat, fluid and waste products become stuck in these places due to poor circulation, causing local circulation to become increasingly disturbed and the good nutrients from the blood to reach the cells. Result: sagging skin and cellulite.

What is vacustep?

Vacustep ensures a spectacular improvement in microcirculation (blood circulation) and lymphatic circulation in the problem areas. In this way, the accumulated fat cells become accessible for consumption in the body and excess fluid and waste products can be removed between the cells.
Vacustep does this by placing the problem areas under low pressure so that all the blood from the body is drawn to them. By combining light training (pedaling movements) and varying pressure, the released fatty acids are immediately burned in the muscles. After half an hour of gentle pedaling, you can easily burn 30 to 35 grams of pure fat, only in the places where you want it to disappear.

Vacustep results

Turns 1 to 6: No visible or tangible results.
Turn 7 to 12: The skin becomes firmer. It is possible that the cellulite has already improved slightly, but there has been no loss of centimeters yet.
Turns 13 to 15: The inches finally start to disappear. The result is not yet spectacular, but as the treatment progresses, the blood vessels will grow better and the process will speed up.
Turns 16 to 20: The inches disappear where you have the most fat. If you do not have any results at this point, this means that it is more difficult for your blood vessels to grow. It is important that you continue at least twice a week. After all, what has been stuck for years cannot be released overnight.
Subsequently, a maintenance treatment once a week is sufficient to optimize the results. Even if you skip a few weeks from now on, you can still get improvement because you now have good microcirculation and circulation. This effect lasts three to six months after the treatment. However, this can quickly deteriorate if you have a predisposition for this.

Some tips for a better result

  • Take a CLA supplement. CLA ensures that the loosened fats are used directly in the muscle tissue. As a result, the vacustep will provide even firmer skin.
  • Take a pineapple supplement. The active substance in the pineapple is bromelain. This ensures that subcutaneous tensions that cause cellulite are released more easily so that the vacustep can do its work even better.
  • Drink plenty of water during and after the vacustep . This helps to remove the fluid and waste products that were previously stuck from the body.
  • Watch your diet. The healthier you eat, the more cellulite you will remove.
  • On the day of the vacustep , try to eat as much protein as possible (fish, eggs, protein drinks). The meal following the vacustep in particular should contain a lot of protein.
  • Massage the areas with orange peel peel twice a day with olive oil to which you have added a few drops of essential oil of cypress, grapefruit, geranium and/or rosemary. This keeps all skin layers in optimal condition, improves blood circulation and drains the tissues.
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