Dream Explanation: What is the best way?

More and more books are coming onto the market in which a dream is explained based on the subject of the dream. Sometimes a prediction is even made! Are these books worth it? Can you apply them? And if you can apply them, can you apply it to any dream?

Dream prediction books

An article in two different dream prediction books about death:

  • Book 1: Death: Dreams of death do not bode well. Illness and disappointment lurk.
  • Book 2: Death: Although these dreams can be very frightening, they are often good luck! You will be reunited with an old friend, or a long-standing feud will be resolved.

Science has been looking for it for a long time, but unfortunately: you can’t pinpoint it. Predictive dreams occur, but very sporadically. Only afterwards can you say whether your dream was a predictive dream or not. Planning your day differently because you had such a strange dream is not a good idea.
On the other hand, there are books that explain dreams instead of making predictions. Fire would represent a fear of something, and a Dove would strike at a peaceful person in the area. These types of books are sometimes correct, and that is why more and more are coming. They are largely based on collective memory. Collective memory is the information we have known since childhood. We know that fire is dangerous and we know that a white dove represents peace. But what if someone grew up with the idea that fire is beautiful? and what if that same person has developed a pigeon phobia? Is the same dream interpretation possible? Probably not. These dream interpretation books are useful, but only if you are an average person. The thing is, no one is. No one is an average person because that person’s experience counts too.
It is not that dreams make no sense and should therefore be forgotten. The only person who can explain your dream is you. One person had a train accident and massive trauma, and the other person likes train rides. The dream of both people about a train will also have to be interpreted very differently. Dreams reflect part of your subconscious. That subconscious mind is quite complicated, and it takes some experience to understand your dream, but it is still quite nice to know after an impressive dream what the dream actually meant.

Step-by-step plan for interpreting dreams

There is a method to unravel a dream and the key word is: feeling. Here is a step-by-step plan for dream interpretation.

Step 1: Write down the dream.

Although it may not be your favorite activity to write down your dream(s) early in the morning with watery eyes, I can really recommend it. The more you spend on your dreams, the more dreams you will remember, and the more detailed those dreams will be. Write everywhere in your dream story how you felt and what you noticed.

Step 2: Read over the dream and choose your most important points

This can also be done later in the day. Because you have described how you felt and what you noticed, you can now find the most important points from your dream. Where were your emotions strongest? And what were some things that caught your attention?

Step 3: Compare

For example, if you bumped into an annoying person in your dream who was pelting you with stones, what did this person remind you of? It could be a person’s fault, but it could also be an annoying problem that you need to do something about. An example, an annoying little boy who chased me all the time in my dream and always made a lot of noise, the problem was that I still had to go to the doctor to have my ears tested. I didn’t feel like it, so I just pushed it away. Subconsciously there was the fear that something would be wrong with my ears. After one visit to the doctor, that fear was gone, and I never saw the boy again. So you see, the subconscious shows you what is bothering it. Fears, sadness, irritation.
And what if you can’t figure out what a dream person or dream situation means? There is a known method to find out your dream meaning even then. It’s called: the dream interview. When you are relaxed, you can sometimes ask your subconscious things. So relax, and imagine the person, or even the thing, that you want to know about. If you have a good picture in mind (preferably with movement) then you can ask him things. for example what he reminds you of. If you don’t come up with answers yourself, the most surprising, yet most logical things can come out of this.
In lucid dreams – dreams in which you know you are dreaming – you can ask dream persons things. A nice site where you can find more about lucid dreaming is www.ld4all.com (also Dutch). Have fun and good luck!

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