Eat healthy with fish

Fish, crustaceans and shellfish are healthy. They provide high-quality proteins, good fats, vitamins and minerals that provide our body with energy and protect against diseases.

Fish protein

Fish consists mainly of muscle tissue made up of proteins and it is easy to digest because it has less connective tissue than meat. Proteins are an important building material for our body that ensures the building and recovery of muscles, organs, nerves and blood. They are made up of amino acids.
Our body cannot produce some of these itself. So we have to get these from food. All fish are rich in these essential amino acids.
Fish fat and omega-3


Cholesterol is a substance in the blood that is essential for the body’s cells and is important for the production of hormones. The most important part of cholesterol is produced by the body itself and we get the rest through our food. Shrimp, eel, mussels and haddock liver naturally contain a lot of cholesterol. Research shows that the amount of cholesterol in food has little influence on the cholesterol level in our blood. It is the saturated fatty acids that cause the blood to rise, causing the blood vessels to clog. Unsaturated fish fatty acids can lower blood cholesterol levels.

Vitamins in fish

Fish is rich in vitamins. Oily fish in particular contains a lot of vitamin A and D. Vitamin A is important for the eyes, growth, resistance and healthy skin. Vitamin D ensures strong bones and teeth. Fish also contains B vitamins such as B12, folic acid (B11) and vitamin E.


Just like vitamins, minerals are important building blocks for our body. Fish supplies iodine, chromium, fluorine, selenium and zinc, among other things. Iodine is important for the thyroid hormones that are essential for the growth and development of the nervous system and metabolism. Chromium regulates the amount of cholesterol in the blood and fluorine prevents tooth decay. Zinc increases resistance and promotes growth. Oysters have a high content of zinc and have been seen since ancient times as increasing potency because zinc also plays an important role in reproduction.

Nice and slim

If you want to prevent obesity, eating fish is important. There are many types of fish that contain less than 2% fat. The fattier types of fish do not contain more fat than an average piece of meat. You can also prepare fish very well, for example by steaming it or preparing it in a package in the oven or by grilling fish.

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