Bladder infection: causes, risk factors & treatment

Together with the kidneys and the urethra, the bladder is part of the urinary tract of the body. A problem in one of these urinary tracts can lead to symptoms in other urinary tracts. Cystitis manifests itself in the need to urinate very often and in a burning, stabbing pain. An inflammation of the bladder can be treated by drinking plenty of water and taking a course of antibiotics. Drinking cranberry juice or cranberry juice is also useful to promote bladder function, as is taking supplements. Women suffer from bladder infections much more often than men. Why is that so, and what tips are useful to prevent bladder inflammation?

Bladder and urinary tract

The bladder is an organ that plays an important role in removing waste from the body. The kidneys are a kind of purification station of the body that processes unwanted substances into urine and then sends them to the ureters. The urine enters the bladder through these ureters . The urine is stored there temporarily until the bladder is full. The urine will then be transported from the bladder to the urethra and removed from the body through the latter. When bacteria accumulate in the bladder, an infection can occur. This is then referred to as a bladder infection.

Symptoms of bladder infection

Bladder infection or cystitis is a bacterial infection of the urinary bladder. This condition can be very annoying: you have to urinate often and it can also be very painful. The pain usually manifests itself in a burning, stabbing sensation when urinating . In addition, the urine may be cloudy and smell very strong. In some people, urination is very difficult and there may be blood in the urine. Pain in the lower abdomen is also one of the possible complaints of a bladder infection.

Cystitis in women and men

Inflammation of the bladder is less common in men than in women . This is because the urinary tract in women differs from that in men. In women, the urinary tract is shorter, allowing bacteria to reach the bladder more quickly. In addition, the vagina is close to the anus, which facilitates the access of bacteria to the urethra. In men there is a greater distance between anus and penis and the opening of the urethra is also very small. For example, prostate problems can be associated with a bladder infection.

Cystitis: causes and risk factors

A bladder infection can have various causes. Sometimes this concerns anatomical abnormalities, while urination behavior can also play a role. Incorrect use of the muscles around the urinary tract can lead to incorrect urination behavior, which increases the risk of a bladder infection. People who often suffer from an overactive bladder and urine loss are more likely to develop bladder infections, as are people with weakened resistance, such as the chronically ill and the elderly. People with diabetes and pregnant women also form a risk group when it comes to getting a bladder infection. Furthermore, menopausal women are also more susceptible to a bladder infection. This is because women during menopause produce less estrogen, making the vaginal mucosa vulnerable to infections. Furthermore, so-called urinary reflux is also a risk factor: this means that due to a physical abnormality, the urine is carried upwards in the direction of the kidneys, instead of downwards in the direction of the ureter.

Preventing bladder infections: tips

Bladder infections are an irritating but relatively harmless condition that can be prevented by taking a few tips into account.

To drink water

As is known, drinking water is a good way to purify the body, especially the kidneys and bladder. Preferably drink at least two liters of water per day to make optimal use of this purifying function of water. It is better to drink small amounts regularly than large amounts less often. If drinking water is difficult or gives you a heavy feeling in the stomach, take ice cubes in your mouth and suck on them. This way your body also absorbs enough fluid.

To pee

Urination is a way to remove waste from the body and drinking water helps with this. In this case, having to urinate frequently is a signal that the water you drank has been able to properly purify your urinary tract. However, avoid an overfull bladder as this can cause wounds in the bladder wall that may become infected. So it is better to urinate often than to sit with a full bladder.


Intimate hygiene can also play an important role in preventing bladder inflammation. Urinating after sexual activity is recommended to remove as many potentially harmful substances and bacteria as possible.

Treatment of bladder infection


Cystitis will be treated based on its causes. In case of inflammation of the urinary tract, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat the cause of the problem. Antibiotics aim to eliminate and eliminate harmful bacteria in the bladder. Depending on the severity of the complaints and the resistance of the bacteria, the doctor will choose a specific type of antibiotics.
Some examples of antibiotics used for a bladder infection:

  • Amoxicillin
  • Augmentin
  • Trimethoprim
  • Nitrofurantoin



Another treatment option is drinking cranberry juice , which makes the urine acidic. The latter is positive for removing waste products further from the bladder, so that the bladder infection may disappear on its own. If you don’t like the taste of cranberry juice, cranberry supplements are an option.
Some examples of such supplements are:

  • Cranberry Forte Vemedia
  • Metagenics Cranberry


Bladder supplements

Additionally, you can take supplements to support the functioning of the bladder. If you are prone to bladder problems, it may be useful to take a course of supplements to cleanse the urinary tract, especially the kidneys and bladder.
Some examples of such supplements for the bladder:

  • Orthica Bladder Support
  • Lucovitaal Bladder infection


read more

  • Blood in the urine: causes & treatment of blood pee
  • Pain during urination in women: causes & treatment
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