Everything about fat and calories in a low-fat diet

There is now a lot of buzz about fats in our diet. Some need to follow a low-fat diet. Below is an explanation of the concepts involved.

Fat in a low-fat diet

Fat contains vitamins A, D, E and K, as well as fatty acids that we need to stay healthy. There are three types of fat:

  • Saturated fat , which is considered unhealthy fat and, among other things, increases cholesterol levels in the blood. This saturated fat is found in animal (dairy) products and in fatty meat and eggs.
  • Monounsaturated fat , these are considered healthy when used in moderation. Monounsaturated fatty acid is found in olives and nuts.
  • Polyunsaturated fat is good for the blood circulation and contains many nutrients. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in vegetable oils and butters, oily fish and lean meat.



Because we cannot live without fat, a calorie intake of 2000 Kcal per day is recommended, including a fat intake of 75 grams. The biggest danger are the hidden fats, which are a major danger because they are not immediately visible. Examples: cake, red meat such as lamb, beef and pork, sausage and pâté. It is better to remove the skin from lean meat such as chicken and turkey. Fish is also recommended. Fruit and vegetables contain almost no fat, nor do grain products such as rice and pasta. Nuts, on the other hand, are extremely fatty, so avoid them if possible. In general, when preparing food, you can replace butter and cream with low-fat margarine and sour cream. It is wise to use as little fat as possible when baking. When you buy food, it is advisable to read the labels, which state how many calories and fats the product contains.


  • Half full : The fat percentage is less than half compared to the standard product.
  • Low fat : This product contains less than 75% of the amount of a standard product.
  • Low cholesterol : Less than 0.005% of the fat in the product contains cholesterol.
  • Polyunsaturated/low saturated fatty acids : Contains at least 35% fat in which 45% of the fatty acids are polyunsaturated and a maximum of 25% are saturated.



Olive oil; For a stronger taste, use extra virgin olive oil, for a lighter taste, use regular olive oil.
Sunflower oil; Like olive oil, it contains many polyunsaturated fatty acids.


Semi-skimmed butter contains 40% fat.
Halvarine contains 40% fat, with water and milk components. Halvarine with olive oil contains 40% fat, with water and milk components, but contains much more flavor. Low-fat spreads contain 30% or less fat and are absolutely not suitable for cooking . baking.

Milk and cheese

Milk, yoghurt and cream: You can replace full-fat milk with skimmed or semi-skimmed milk. You can use low-fat yoghurt and cottage cheese instead of full-fat yoghurt and cream.
Cottage cheese is a soft cheese available as lean (0% fat) or full (8% fat).
Créme fraiche has a fat percentage of 25% in the semi-skimmed variant. Low-fat cheeses are now more available than ever in many variants. Harder varieties are generally fattier, the older varieties contain more flavor.
Cottage cheese is a low-fat cheese made from skimmed or semi-skimmed milk. Low-fat cheddar is a cheese with only 14% fat.

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