Vitamin C. Important for your body

Another name for the antioxidant vitamin C is ascorbic acid. The main sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, but it is also found in other fruits. Ascorbic acid is an acid that prevents scurvy. If someone does not get enough vitamin C, there is a good chance that scurvy will develop. Vitamin C comes in two forms, both forms are referred to as vitamin C.

Vitamins in general

You need vitamins in small amounts to stay healthy. Most vitamins are not made by your body. So you have to get them through your food, they are essential. Most vitamin C is found in fruits and citrus fruits. Plants and mammals can produce vitamin C themselves in their bodies. Another way is to take nutritional supplements. The word vitamin comes from the Latin vita (life) and amine (a nitrogen compound). The name was first used in 1910. Today we know that there are only a few vitamins that actually contain an amine structure. So the name is actually incorrect. Vitamins are organic molecules (so they contain carbon) that act as a catalyst in the body. Catalysts ensure that chemical reactions proceed faster. If you have a vitamin deficiency, body functions may fail and you are more susceptible to diseases.

Two groups of vitamins

Vitamins are divided into two groups. The first group is formed by the water-soluble vitamins. Examples are vitamins B and C, which are stored in the liver. The second group consists of the fat-soluble vitamins, these are vitamins A, D, E and K.

Ingesting vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the best known vitamins. Fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamin C. Humans, unlike some other mammals that synthesize it from glucose, cannot make vitamin C. Somewhere in evolution we lost that characteristic. Probably because we consumed more than enough vitamin C and the property became redundant.

The functions of vitamin C

If you don’t get enough vitamin C for a long time, you can get scurvy. Vitamin C is distributed throughout the body, with the highest concentration in the adrenal glands and the pituitary gland. The largest amount occurs in the liver and skeletal muscles, because they are relatively large compared to the body. The importance of vitamin C is great. You need it for the production of collagen and other connective tissue. Other functions include: keeping blood vessels healthy, producing neurotransmitters and steroid hormones, breaking down tyrosine, mineral metabolism, preventing the conversion of nitrate and nitrite into nitrosamines and breaking down heavy metals. In addition, it is important for all tissues that provide structure and strength to our body, such as joints, tendons, bones, muscles and skin.


Vitamin C is an antioxidant. An antioxidant is a substance that prevents oxidation (attracting oxygen molecules). They neutralize free radicals by reacting with these free radicals. Free radicals can be dangerous because they can easily react with DNA, for example, which can cause cancer.

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