Drop foot with cock step

This is called foot drop when the forefoot cannot be lifted properly. As a result, the foot cannot roll normally when walking and it collapses when it lands on the ground, from which the name drop foot is derived. A drop foot is also called a drop foot. With foot drop there is a weakening of the foot lifters. To prevent the drop foot from dragging on the ground, the knee is lifted extra high, causing a so-called cock walk. In many cases it is wise to seek the help of a physiotherapist. Perhaps muscle strength can be strengthened through exercises. In extreme cases, surgery may be necessary.

Four muscle groups

Feet are controlled by four muscle groups.

  1. The first group consists of three powerful calf muscles that lower the forefoot.
  2. The second group also consists of three muscles. One muscle can bend the big toe downward and one muscle bends the four little toes downward. The third muscle ensures that the foot can turn inwards.
  3. The third group of muscles allows the foot to turn outwards and these muscles are also important for supporting the arch of the foot.
  4. The fourth group of muscles are the foot lifters, which allow the foot and toes to be lifted.


Poorer muscle functioning

In foot drop, the muscles of group 3 and especially group 4 function to a lesser extent. It is then difficult to turn the foot outwards and lifting it at the front also works poorly or not at all. This makes it virtually impossible to push off properly because the muscles that ensure that the foot can turn outward must be used. Walking without aids is not possible and while walking the foot falls inwards and downwards in the swing position.

Causes of foot drop

Foot drop can be caused by sitting with your legs crossed for a long time, which compresses the nerve at the knee. If foot drop has developed in this way, the condition usually only lasts for a short time. But the nerve can also be damaged by a cast or a broken bone. Another possible cause for foot drop may be lack of exercise. This can occur, among other things, in patients who are bedridden for a long time. An incorrect sitting position can also be the cause of foot drop, for example in people in a wheelchair. Another cause is a bulging vertebra in the lower back. Other symptoms that can cause foot drop are certain hereditary diseases or hammer toes and a high arch.

Sometimes surgery necessary

Walking with foot drop requires some adjustments. Wearing high orthopedic shoes contributes to stability. An ankle-foot orthosis can be used to prevent stumbling and improve walking. But sometimes it is necessary to perform an operation in which the muscles that still function properly are connected to the tendons of the paralyzed muscles.

Physiotherapy and exercises

In many cases it will be advised to consult a physiotherapist. The work of a physiotherapist will be aimed at ensuring that the client continues to move so that any remaining muscle strength is maintained and weak muscles are strengthened if possible. A good exercise is to pay a lot of attention to the unwinding of the foot when walking regularly and to try to keep the foot from flopping as little as possible. Another exercise is to place your foot on a stool at a lost moment, for example in the evening while watching television, and press it alternately forward and backward. Also, while the foot is on the stool, rotation exercises can be performed with the foot, keeping the knees straight.

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  • Help with foot drop, foot lifter’s palsy, drop foot or drop foot
  • With dropping feet to the sauna and no more walking
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