Getting pregnant: billing method (studying secretions)

If you want to become pregnant, you will be very curious about the time of ovulation. After all, you are most fertile at the time of ovulation and the chance of pregnancy is greatest with unprotected sex. One of the ways in which you can determine your ovulation and therefore your most fertile period is the billing method. You study your vaginal discharge, which changes under the influence of the hormones within your menstrual cycle.

Vaginal discharge

Every woman knows it: vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge, also called white discharge , is a very natural phenomenon and nothing to worry about. The vaginal discharge comes from the wall of the vagina and the cervix.

Normal vaginal discharge

It is difficult to indicate what normal vaginal discharge is. One woman has more vaginal discharge than another, and the structure and color can also differ from woman to woman. However, on average, normal vaginal discharge is clear to whitish in color and smells slightly acidic. When the discharge has dried, it has a yellowish color.

Abnormal vaginal discharge

To determine when your vaginal discharge is abnormal, it is wise to know what your discharge normally looks and smells like. This makes it easier to notice abnormal changes. Common complaints about vaginal discharge include:

  • More discharge than normal
  • Friable discharge
  • Green-yellow discharge
  • Bloody discharge
  • Strong-smelling discharge

Abnormal discharge can be accompanied by complaints such as itching, redness and pain during urination and intercourse. In such cases it is wise to visit the doctor. There may be an innocent cause for the abnormal discharge, such as wearing synthetic underwear or washing the vagina with soap, but there may also be a venereal disease. Treatment is then necessary.

Vaginal discharge and the menstrual cycle

If you monitor your discharge over a number of weeks, you will notice that your discharge changes throughout the menstrual cycle. One moment you have a little more discharge, the next moment your vagina is quite dry. The texture of your vaginal discharge can also vary from week to week. This is to some extent related to your menstrual cycle. Vaginal discharge is also influenced by hormones. If you want to become pregnant , studying your vaginal discharge can help you estimate the moment of ovulation – your most fertile moment . However, keep in mind that your age and use of contraceptives can also influence the discharge.

Billing method: determining your ovulation with vaginal discharge

Your vaginal discharge changes over the course of your menstrual cycle. Shortly after menstruation, most women do not have much discharge, the vagina can feel dry and even a bit itchy. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the discharge is cloudy with a white-yellow color. There may also be some lumps. The closer you get to ovulation – the period when you are fertile – the clearer your discharge. The mucus becomes more stretchy and when you grab it between your fingers (or with a piece of toilet paper) you notice that you can pull it into a kind of ‘threads’. Estimating when you ovulate using your vaginal discharge is also called the billing method .

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