Stretch marks. Origin, treatment and prevention!

Many women experience stretch marks during pregnancy, also known as stretch marks. But other people can also suffer from these stretch marks. How do these actually arise? And can you do anything to prevent the stretch marks? Even if the stretch marks have already appeared, fortunately there are still ways to make them less visible.

How do stretch marks form?

Stretch marks, also called stretch marks, are caused by rapid weight gain. This also requires the skin to grow considerably. This can cause tears in the subcutaneous connective tissue. These cracks look like red or purple lines, running parallel to each other. These lines can vary in length from a few centimeters to sometimes as much as 20 centimeters.
The reason why stretch marks are also called stretch marks is because many pregnant women suffer from them. Due to pregnancy, the figure suddenly changes quickly, and the skin often cannot cope with this rapid growth, causing stretch marks. However, not only pregnant women suffer from these stretch marks. Adolescents who have suddenly experienced a growth spurt and people who are overweight also often suffer from stretch marks. Furthermore, the formation of stretch marks is partly hereditary. If more people in your family suffer from it, you may also be more likely to suffer from stretch marks yourself.
In pregnant women you often see stretch marks on the abdomen and breasts. But the legs are also very sensitive to the formation of stretch marks. People who suddenly grow quickly are more likely to suffer from stretch marks on buttocks, legs, thighs, breasts and arms.

Can you prevent stretch marks?

It is very difficult to prevent stretch marks. If you know that you are at risk of developing stretch marks, for example during pregnancy, you should take good care of the skin. In any case, make sure that the skin never dries out and that it remains soft and supple. This makes it more difficult for the skin to ‘tear’. The best way to care for the skin is to exfoliate every week. This stimulates cell renewal of the skin. The skin should also be treated every day with a moisturizing cream or nourishing oil. It is best to do this twice a day, and in any case when you get out of the shower. Then the skin has the greatest chance of developing stretch marks. The heat of the shower water can dry out the skin. A good tip is not to shower too hot. Using the tips above, you can reduce the formation of stretch marks and make them less likely to form. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that you can prevent it!

Can stretch marks be treated?

Unfortunately, there is no treatment that will completely repair stretch marks. Even though there are hundreds of providers who claim otherwise. The fact remains that stretch marks are a formation of scars on the body, and they cannot disappear completely. Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce stretch marks. Because although it is not physically harmful, many people find the formation of these stretch marks on their body very ugly.

It’s getting less

Over time, stretch marks will largely fade on their own. Instead of red or purple, the stripes will become more white or pearly in color, and therefore less noticeable. You can speed up this process somewhat by using creams that reduce scars.

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