Vaccination for your baby

Almost every child in the Netherlands is vaccinated against certain dangerous diseases. This is also called vaccination. A vaccination trains your immune system against certain infectious diseases. In the Netherlands, children are vaccinated against diseases from birth. Parents will automatically receive the notification for a vaccination at home.

Not mandatory, but advised

Vaccination is not mandatory, but almost all parents in the Netherlands have their children vaccinated. This is also prescribed by the National Vaccination Program. When vaccinated, children receive a number of injections from infancy to the age of four. When they are nine years old, they will receive another injection. They often receive vaccinations against diseases such as diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, Hib diseases, hepatitis B, mumps, rubella, measles, pneumococcal and rubella. Girls from the age of 12 also receive an HPV vaccination. This is an injection against cervical cancer.

Serious consequences

Children are vaccinated against these diseases, otherwise they could contract a life-threatening illness. Even though they are just teething problems, they can have serious consequences. If you are not vaccinated against one of the childhood diseases as a child, you can become seriously ill as an adult if you come into contact with one of the childhood diseases. The vaccinations greatly reduce the risk of one of these diseases.

Side effects

Sometimes a child may not feel well for a few days after the vaccination. This is very normal and it happens often. As a parent you can then give your child paracetamol. The side effects usually start on the day of the vaccination. These usually disappear again after one or two days. Very often the side effects are not serious and they disappear on their own. If the side effects do not disappear and if they only get worse, notify your doctor.

Vaccination against cervical cancer

Since 2009, girls aged 12 and over can be vaccinated against cervical cancer. More than 200 women die every year from this terrible disease. To prevent this, girls are vaccinated with the human papillomavirus vaccine. All girls aged 12 and over will automatically receive an invitation for this. The vaccination is not mandatory, but it is of course recommended by the National Vaccination Program. The vaccination consists of three injections. HPV is usually transmitted through sexual contact. This vaccination protects a woman against two types of the HPV virus.

Hepatitis B vaccination

Since August 2011, all babies born on or after that date and risk groups have been vaccinated against hepatitis B. By vaccinating all children against this disease from now on, it will be reduced. This vaccination is included in the National Vaccination Program. This vaccination is free for all children. For risk groups, the vaccination is reimbursed via the General Special Medical Expenses Act or via the employer. For example, people who work in healthcare or nursing must also be vaccinated. This is then arranged through the employer.

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