The power of enzyme therapy

Enzymes (ferments) are protein compounds. These biocatalysts accelerate and determine the course of chemical processes in the body. They are endogenous substances that enable very specific physiological responses. According to enzyme therapy, ferments have a healing or prophylactic effect, which has actually been used for thousands of years. In the second half of the last century, research into the operation and function of enzymes gained momentum. Many enzyme preparations are now available.


  • Ancient therapy
  • What is an enzyme?
  • The different types of enzymes
  • Enzyme groups
  • Disturbances of enzyme function
  • Enzyme deficiency
  • Enzyme preparations
  • Preparation of enzyme preparations
  • Therapy
  • Go to the doctor for the best advice


Ancient therapy

Arabian alchemists thousands of years ago searched for a substance that maintained all life processes and which they called elixir ( aliksir ). The Greeks were also eagerly looking for it. For example, Bacchus would ferment the wine with the help of a mysterious force.

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) / Source: Public domain, Wikimedia Commons (PD)

Scientific basis
The first enzyme was discovered in 1833. It was called ‘diastase’, a substance that breaks down starch in grains, for example. The French biologist and chemist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) was the first to take a scientific approach to that force and discovered that microorganisms contain a fermentation enzyme. After the Second World War, there was plenty of experimentation with enzymes and enzyme preparations came onto the market.

What is an enzyme?

An enzyme is a protein that ensures that a specific reaction occurs or is accelerated in or outside a cell. The enzyme itself does not change and is not used up. Enzymes are set or act on a certain substance, the substrate. Each enzyme is therefore reaction specific . Furthermore, enzymes are only active within the limits of normal body temperature and acidity. Enzymes are found in food or are produced in the cells of all organisms (animals and plants). Vitamins are needed for its production.

The different types of enzymes

Enzymes influence chemical body processes that would proceed too slowly without them . The names of enzymes all have the ending -ase and are derived from the specific substrate. For example, hydrolases add water to a chemical process. Dehydrogenases do just the opposite.

Enzyme groups

Thousands of enzymes have now been discovered and named. The main two functions of all enzyme groups are: promoting digestion and energy generation (metabolic tasks). The three main enzyme groups are:

  • Proteases . These are enzymes that break down/digest proteins.
  • Lipases . These enzymes are important for the digestion of fats.
  • Amylases . They digest the carbohydrates.


Disturbances of enzyme function

A disruption in the enzyme balance leads to all kinds of diseases. In that respect one can make a subdivision:

  • Enzymes that influence endocrine (from glands with internal secretions) hormone production. Examples of disorders in the activity of these enzymes are: cretinism, juvenile diabetes and hyperthyroidism.
  • Enzymes that influence the metabolism of the neurohormones, acetylcholine, histamine and adrenaline.
  • Enzymes necessary for the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells. A disorder in this enzyme balance causes anemia.
  • Enzymes that have a regulatory function in the reticuloendothelial system, such as the production and breakdown of globulins and antibodies.
  • Enzymes that are important for digestion. They are secreted in the mouth, stomach and intestine. Enzyme production depends on the food supply.
  • Enzymes that affect energy production, such as the citric acid cycle.


Enzyme deficiency

The above shows how important enzymes are for metabolism and that poor enzyme function leads to disorders and diseases. For example, alkaptonuria is caused by inactivity of the enzyme homogentisic acid oxidase. Hemophilia and hypogammaglobulinemia are congenital disorders resulting from enzyme deficiencies . An enzyme deficiency can also be the cause of disorders in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Examples include glycosuria and galactosuria.

Source: FotoshopTofs, Pixabay

Enzyme preparations

Below are the most important preparations. They contain enzymes that perform key functions in essential metabolic cycles. For that reason, they can cure certain conditions.
It contains the enzymes lipase, fatty acid hydrogenase, amino oxidase and tyrosinase. In arteriosclerosis, plaque forms and blood vessel narrowing occurs. Administering lipase and fatty acid hydrogenase stimulates the hydrolysis and breakdown of these fats (plaque). This benefits the oxygen supply of the organs, including the heart.
This preparation contains sulfokinase, sulfurylase, acetylcholinesterase and catalase. Sulfokinase and sulfurylase are essential for the production of mucopolysaccharides that help build collagen tissue. Collagen is a glue-forming protein substance and a main component of connective tissue. The enzymes cholinesterase and cholinacetylase are located in the synaptic membrane, and catalase in the intercellular fluid. Toxins have an inhibitory effect on these ferments. As a result of paralysis and disruptions to the oxygen supply, energy production for the production of acetylcholine is compromised in the affected tissue. These enzyme preparations are mainly prescribed for rheumatic diseases.
It contains histaminase, glutaminase and allyl sulfide. The drug is used in the treatment of allergies.
This drug consists of glutamin synthetase and the coenzyme A kinase. It is prescribed for disorders of a neurohormonal nature.
It contains hexokinase, transaminase, sulfokinase and trans acetylase. Patients with cataracts and glaucoma may benefit from it.
This preparation contains, among other things, the components histaminase and thiol oxidase. It is prescribed for infections.
Amino acid complex
This preparation contains an amino acid activating enzyme and ATP kinase. Indication: brain cell damage.
Marmoral (ointment)
It contains, among other things, histamine and is used in the treatment of skin infections.

Preparation of enzyme preparations

Enzymes are extracted from, for example, the liver and brains of animals, but also from tubers, leaves and fungi. So they are of natural origin. About 95 percent is vegetable.

Source: Frolicsomepl, Pixabay


The following diseases are treated with the above preparations:

  • Vasolastine: arteriosclerosis, cerebral sclerosis, disorders of fat and cholesterol metabolism and high blood pressure.
  • Coliacron : oligophrenia, neuro-vegetative complaints, developmental disorders.
  • Interacton: allergy, hay fever.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: arthritis, osteoarthritis.
  • Oculucidone: cataract, glaucoma
  • Enzybios: encephalitis, herpes zoster, colitis.
  • Amino acid complex: coma.
  • Marmoral: burns, insect bites.


Go to the doctor for the best advice

Opinions are very divided about the use of enzyme therapy. For decades, products have been marketed under the name ‘enzyme therapy’. All kinds of effects are attributed to it. According to some, the placebo effect of this alternative healing method is very large. Vasolastine is also sold under the names Vasolastica, Cerebrase and Chondrase, the efficacy of which is also debated. If you have any complaints, it is better to visit your doctor first before purchasing any of the above remedies. First ask someone who knows what they’re talking about… none other than your doctor!

read more

  • Causes of metabolic disorders (metabolism)
  • The healing effect of saliva
  • Vitamin deficiency – complaints, symptoms and conditions
  • Mineral deficiency – complaints, symptoms and conditions
  • Nitrate-rich food
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